NOE Project

Online Workshop in Nepal on February 9, 2023

Applied Statistical Analysis using “R” Software for master’s degree students in IOF, Nepal

On February 9, 2023, the workshop on "Applied Statistical Analysis using “R” Software for master’s degree students in IOF, Nepal" was held online using Zoom meeting platform due to the COVID-19 outbreak. This workshop was co-sponsored and organized by Risk Analysis Research Center, ISM, and the Institute of Forestry, Tribhuvan University through the activity of MoU. This workshop was designed to enable participants, particularly, master’s students in IOF to use statistical software, "R", and to conduct a hands-on approach to dealing with various statistical analyses on data in a remote setting, using their own computers. Most participants did not have any knowledge on the software prior to this workshop therefore, they were introduced to basic commands for statistical analysis, data handling and creating graphics in R. Although, there was a gap in proficiency among the participant, they were able to help each other by sharing their ideas and commands through a chat tool. All participants expressed interest looking forward to a similar event next year. The workshop ended successfully with a total of 62 participants. The workshop was run mainly by Dr. Shreekanta S. Khatiwada from Institute of Forestry Pokhara Campus with the support of Prof. Bir Bahadur Khanal Chhetri, Dean of the institute.

  • Image of the workshop